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Category Sober living

Why Am I Bored Without Alcohol?

Content Get Alcohol Addiction Treatment at Promises I drink because I’m anxious and I want to numb the feeling #5 Stay Physically Active Alcohol didn’t make life fun. It just made you not care. Drinking Out of Boredom Recovery is…

Adult Children of Alcoholics: 7 Signs and Effects

A mental health professional can help you work through your past traumas and experiences and address how these have affected you as an adult. They can recommend strategies to help you cope with emotional challenges and build healthier relationships. Having…

Alcoholic Eyes: Can Alcohol Affect Your Eyes?

Alcohol can also impair the function of the tear glands, resulting in dry and irritated eyes. Additionally, alcohol abuse can contribute to nutritional deficiencies, including a deficiency in vitamin B1 (thiamine), which is crucial for maintaining healthy vision. It is…

How Alcohol Affects Your Health As You Age

“We know that inhalational use of alcohol can lead to higher brain concentrations than the oral route. Metabolism of ethanol changes when exposure bypasses the [gastrointestinal] tract. This can lead to some variables that make the study slightly more difficult…

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